28th October 2019
10.00 Welcome coffee
10.30 Welcome speech – Stefano Bronzini Rector University of Bari Aldo Moro
10.45 State of art of NUCIF project
Project representative UNIBA
Partner Foggia
Partner ISSBS
Partner UNIPAT
11.45 Cross-border cooperation for Higher Education Institutions: competences for the development of territories | Bruno Carapella -Fundacion Eurosur
12.10 Presentation of the Master on “Cross-border cooperation” | Nada Trunk – ISSBS
12.30 Presentation of the Knowledge Hubs developed in LA Universities | University of San Carlos
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Presentation of projects and practices on cross-border cooperation – Italy
15.30 Presentation of projects and practices on cross-border cooperation – ISSBS
16.00 Presentation of projects and practices on cross-border cooperation – UNIPAT
16.30/17.30 Forthcoming project activities -Round table
18.00 Networking cocktail
29th October 2019
9.00 Participation in the inauguration ceremony of the Academic year (program to be attached)